
FANnypack zero


Electronics cooling solution for Voron Zero

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FANnypack Zero

This is a simple and yet overkill electronics cooling solution originally intended for the Voron Zero however could also be installed on any printer with a solid panel covering the electronics area.


Linked products are an example, other brands work just fine! That said using the affiliate link helps support future developments and costs you nothing :)


use the dxf and a laser cutter at your local makerspace to produce the holes in the panel or print it out and use it as a template to do it manually. If enough people express interest Funnsor said they would stock some panels so drop me a message if you would want to buy in a whole new panel instead of modifying your old one.

Install m3 inserts in the printed fan cover

Poke wire through the hole and then attach fan and cover to the outside of the panel using the m3 screws.

Depending on your control board you may need to use a klipper expander affiliate link / klipper expander normal link board to gain an additional controllable fan output.

For info on wiring and detailed assembly pictures etc. please take a look at the guide I did here as part of a general upgrade to my V0.1


Feel free to contact me - I'm Slzer#2881 on the discord.

Other mods by 3dpandme
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