Rainbow Serial Bumper


Just a little bit of extra bling for your Voron Trident

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Rainbow Serial Bumper

Just a little bit of extra bling for your Voron Trident


Bill of Materials

M3x8 SHCS2for mounting
2020 M3 T-Nut2for mounting
10mm High Density RGB COB Strip50mmhttps://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005486743999.html



Print in your accent color of choice. Darker colors do a better job of preventing the light from bleeding through, using a high infill percentage can also help.

This part is already oriented correctly for printing and requires no slicer supports.

Main Body Slicer

After printing remove the support piece.

Main Body Support Removal


Print in black or another dark color.

This part is already oriented correctly for printing and requires no slicer supports.

Insert Collar Slicer

After printing remove the support pieces.

Insert Collar Support Removal


Print in black or another dark color.

This part is already oriented correctly for printing and requires no slicer supports.

Back Plate Slicer


Step 1 - Adding the text

Engrave the text 1mm into the surface of the part. Orca Slicer is shown below, but the process should be similar in other slicers.

The recommended font is Play Bold (aka "The Voron Font")

Insert Step 1-1

Insert Step 1-2

Insert Step 1-3

Step 2 - Preparing to print

This is where the magic happens. You'll need a black/dark filament, and a clear filament that will stick to eachother. I used black and clear polymaker PETG.

Flip the part over 180 degrees.

Insert Step 2-1

Slicer Settings

For best results:

  • 1 perimeter
  • 0 top & bottom laters
  • 100% Aligned Rectilinear infill

Slice the part, and insert a pause after 1mm, this is where you will switch from dark to clear filament.

Insert Step 2-2


Press the Insert into the Main Body, and then press the collar in the gap.

Assembly Step 1

Solder the LED wiring, and insert the LED strip, followed by the back plate.

Assembly Step 2


Install on the front bed extrusion of your Voron Trident, or anywhere else you think it would look cool.


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